Furnaces consume carbon based fuels to produce heat and dispose of the waste material (carbon monoxide) that is created as the fuel is burnt. In Central Texas area most furnaces burn natural or Liquid Petroleum (LP) gas. Oil and coal burning furnaces are more popular in other areas of the United States.
AirOne Rescue technicians are trained to evaluate both the performance and the safety of your gas furnace. A gas combustion furnace should always bring in combustion air from outside the homes condition space and exhaust the combustion air outside the conditioned space of the home.
Most gas furnaces in the Central Texas area are central “forced air” type furnaces. Central forced air furnaces use a blower motor and squire cage blower to force air across the furnace heat exchanger and in into the duct system where the heated air is distributed thru out the home.
Learn more about your gas furnace equipment options.
A Glow Bar igniter with an electronic ignition sequencing board … to ignite the gas furnace flame.
A Flame Sensor also controlled by the ignition sequencing board … to sense when a furnace flame is present.
An Induced Blower … to pull combustion furnace gas into the burner and exhaust furnace combusted gas.
An Inducer Pressure switch … to prove operation of the furnace induced blower.
A series of Temperature Sensing Switches … to sense excessive or misdirected furnace flame or heat.
A Door Switch … to verify that compartment doors are closed to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning.
A Gas Valve and burners … to supply and gas and direct the furnace flame into the heat exchanger
A Heat Exchanger … to carry the furnace gas flame and separate the furnace flame from the indoor air.
An AirOne Rescue technician can properly evaluate, and troubleshoot all these furnace repair components and more to assure the safety and proper operation of your gas furnace … call (512) 392-0022