How Your AC Can Help Fight Your Allergies

When we service your Air Conditioner in Kyle TX, your satifaction means the world to us.
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Your Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) unit is constantly working to keep your home or office space a comfortable place to live and work. But, beyond just keeping your space at the right temperature all year, it helps fight against seasonal allergies as well. Especially here in central Texas where allergies run high, properly working HVAC systems can help fight off some allergy symptoms. Keep these specific aspects of your unit maintained to help clear your home of those pesky allergies.

Air Filters

Your HVAC’s air filter works to block dust and other various particles from being circulated through your home or work space. These particles that get caught in the filter are many of the irritants that highly aggravate our allergies, so as the filter does its job, we find ourselves able to breathe with less irritation. However, as these particles build up in your air filter, the air passing through it becomes contaminated. Because all of the air we breathe inside our home does get circulated through that filter, it is crucial to change the filter monthly, especially during those high allergy months. If your filter does not get changed, eventually that built up filth will begin to make its way into the circulated air in your home which could possibly cause a spike in allergy flare ups.

Humidity Control

Increased moisture levels in the air, especially the hot air, creates the perfect environment for certain bacteria to thrive, circulating through your HVAC system. This will cause your allergies to be heightened since the air is not as clean as it should be, and the overall thickness of the added moisture can also make it more difficult to breathe. By adding humidity control to your HVAC system, you are giving yourself that extra leg up on allergy season and the chance to breathe a little easier!

Check For Growth

Various parts of your HVAC system involve liquid, and it is important that these parts are working properly because any water not in the right place can create an environment for mold and bacteria to infect the air circulating in your home. If you see signs of a leak in your evaporator coils, then it is time to make an appointment with your HVAC professionals to come replace them. If there is an abundance of water in the drip pan, empty and disinfect it, and keep an eye on it in the coming days. If it continuously fills up, it is possible you have a leak, or at the very least, something isn’t working properly. Any extra moisture can’t be ignored as it can open the door not only for bacteria that is harmful to your health, but can cause damage to your overall HVAC system.

Regular HVAC Inspections

Aside from your own at-home routine maintenance, have a standing yearly inspection scheduled with an HVAC professional. These technicians are more likely to catch issues with their trained eyes, helping you avoid costly repairs down the road. If you have not had your unit looked at recently and you notice you are struggling with allergies in your home, schedule an appointment with an HVAC professional and let them help find the right solution for you!

Struggling with allergens in your home? Call AirOne Rescue to speak to a tech in Texas! Our technicians are very familiar with the sort of allergens around the area. We may be able to help!