When Is The Best Time To Purchase A New A/C?

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If you’ve been needing to replace your air conditioning unit for a while but put it off during the winter months, you may be wondering when the best time of year might be for you to finally go through with the purchase. Is it better to wait until summer, when A/C units might be most available because that’s when they’re needed most? Or is it better to make the purchase when there’s more down time?

The answer is that there are actually several advantages to purchasing an A/C unit during late winter or early spring, long before the peak cooling season starts. So with the Central Texas heat not too far off in the distance, here are some reasons why you might want to make that purchase sooner rather than later.

Professionals Are Not As Booked

Out of all the the months of the year, late winter and early spring tend to be the slowest for most professional A/C contractors, and the same is true for if you’re looking in Central Texas. At this time of year, most of the heating work customers needed during the winter has been completed, and the requests for cooling work haven’t started coming in yet. As a result, this is sort of a down time for most contractors.

This downtime translates into more time that the professionals can spend consulting with you—giving you recommendations and answering any questions you might have. Because there are so many variables and so much expert knowledge involved with a big purchase like this, the more professional consultation you can get, the better.

More Time To Make A Better Decision

Starting your search for a new unit early before cooling season begins will also give you more time to shop around, do research, and make a better purchase. A lot of planning goes into a decision like this, as there are several things you need to consider—the size of the system you need, the most cost-effective unit for your home, and what type of unit will work with your existing home’s structure.

Having ample time to research these things will give you an opportunity to consult with a professional about every aspect of your purchase.

Preseason Discounts Available

Lastly, you may even be able to find a better deal if you look now rather than later. When the orders are slow, many A/C contractors offer preseason discounts, lowering prices to keep business up and give their employees work during slow periods. You can even choose to purchase now and have the installation done later on if it’s more convenient that way.

If you’ve been putting off the purchase of a new A/C unit, start looking now—you’ll be able to make a more informed purchase so you can be ready for the brutal Texas Heat. If you’re looking for air conditioning repair in Kyle TX, contact AirOne Rescue, your central Texas ac specialist