How HVAC Zoning Works

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How HVAC Zoning Works

Adding HVAC zoning to your HVAC system is a terrific way to control the air temperature in individual rooms of your house. This will keep you from having to constantly heat or cool certain areas in your home.

Why Choose A Zoning System?

Save Money

It can be very expensive to heat or cool your entire home and it is pointless to heat or cool those rooms that you are not using. For instance, if you are not going to be using your den, there is no point in heating or cooling that room. You can save money by adding an HVAC zone system so that you can control which rooms are heated and cooled.

Limit Carbon Footprint

If you are concerned with reducing your carbon footprint, an HVAC zoning system will allow you to do so. By cutting energy usage, you are helping the environment.

System Longevity

Having a zoned system can also be beneficial for your system. When you have a regular HVAC system, you will have only one thermostat for heating and cooling. There is no way to control the temperature in each room unless you shut the vents off to each room. This practice can harm the unit by shutting off the airflow. Airflow shortages can lead to the furnace having issues and can lead to a shorter life for your furnace. HVAC zoning makes it possible to avoid this.

How HVAC Zoning Works

Zoning is an effortless process. In the HVAC unit, there will be motorized dampers that respond to the thermostats. When the room is not in use, the dampers will remain closed. When you want the room to be heated or cooled, you will just turn on the zone thermostat. These dampers are installed in the duct or can be placed in the vent of each room.

Zoning Thermostats

Your existing thermostat can be turned into a zone thermostat quite easily. At each zone, there will be a zone thermostat that will be tied into a central control panel. Each room will have its own thermostat for ease of use. If the thermostat is called upon for cooling, it will start and if the zones are satisfied in certain areas, they will be closed off and the zone that needs to be cooled will be cooled. Once the whole house is cooled, the air conditioner will cut off.

This practice may be a bit hard to understand but it does make sense. Think of the practice as having a light switch in each room. Each thermostat controls each room, just like a light switch. It is much better for your energy bill and your HVAC system to use zone heating and air conditioning.

Working Efficiently

If you want to save money and make your HVAC system work efficiently, you should consider going with zoning. This will help to lower your energy bill as well as your energy footprint. This will also help you to cool or heat areas in your home while in use and leave other unused rooms alone until you need them heated or cooled.

If you would like more information about HVAC zoning, contact the professionals at AirOne Rescue Repair, located in San Marcos, TX.