Preparing Your Furnace For Heating Season

When we service your Air Conditioner in Kyle TX, your satifaction means the world to us.
preparing your furnace for heating season

We’ve put together a handy infographic that can serve as a kind of visual checklist for you to look over as you inspect your furnace as the cold winter days begin to roll into Central Texas.

We cover the following:

  • Air Filters
  • Thermostat
  • Exhaust Flue
  • Air Vents
  • Burners
  • Contacting HVAC Professionals

Plus tips and actions to take for each. We hope you enjoy it, and feel free to share it on social media if it helps you, or you believe it could help others!

Follow through the guide and you should be all set to have a nice, cozy winter–no matter how cold it gets outside! As always, if you’re looking for a dependable HVAC company to help you out in the Central Texas area, or if you have any questions, we at AirOne Rescue are always just a call away! Feel free to visit our page about furnaces if you’d like to read more.

ways to prepare your furnace for heating season