Community Engagement

When we service your Air Conditioner in Kyle TX, your satifaction means the world to us.

We Give Back to Our San Marcos Community

Our goal is for your Air Conditioning system to live the longest life, so we offer home tips to help you learn more about steps you can take to extend the life of your system. Check out our home tip video that was featured on our local news station KVUE. Follow us on Facebook for more home pro tips.

Best of Hays for Best Air Conditioning Company 2021

Our vision is to be the leaders in our community by giving the BEST experience, while offering lasting eco-friendly solutions in Heating, Air Conditioning and Air Quality. We are so honored to have been awarded the Best of Hays for Best Air Conditioning Company.

AirOne won the Green Business of the year awarded by the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce. We pride ourselves in provided our community with lasting solutions to all their HVAC needs. We are a firm believer that small changes can have a bigger impact on saving energy on your home. So not only is AirOne Eco-friendly with the solutions we provide but also in giving every home options on ensuring every system gets the most life out of their a/c system and finding other economical ways to save on energy. We are becoming the leaders in our industry.

Green Business of the year 2021

certified specialist

As leaders in our industry we stive to be certified specialist for your home. NCI (The National Comfort Institute) certified AirOne as professionals uniquely trained to solve comfort, safety, Energy and Health issues for your home. We are the only ones in our area that provide Air Duct balance and design.

Ernie, the original owner of AirOne, was known in the community for his willingness to teach anyone who wanted to learn the trades. This is how the current owner of AirOne Lance Beck received training over 20 years ago. Lance knew to be the best he had to learn from the best so he dedicated his weekends and evenings to learn from Ernie. Today Lance continues in the tradition of teaching anyone willing to learn more about the trades.

We are currently teaming up with several other organizations to help spread awareness of how people can make a career out of HVAC. AirOne works with the Chamber of Commerce with the Teacher Externship program every year. The purpose of the Teacher Externship Program is to engage educators in activities in business and industry to learn how classroom content and learning strategies apply in the workplace. Educators improve their instructional practices by incorporating employment skills that meet current industry standards.

AirOne has also teamed up with Williams School of Excellence to offer students enrolled in their HVAC course to shadow an AirOne tech for the day. This offers Williams students more hands on experience in the field. AirOne has also teamed up with Williams School of Excellence to offer ride along with AirOne techs to their students. We are committed to raising the standards by offering technical training and continual education programs in our local community.

training lab for students

AirOne is always excited to participate in STEAM fair. We set up a booth every year to engage students of all ages showing them how to apply Science, Engineering and Mathematics in HVAC.

STEAM fair
STEAM fair

Rattler’s Baseball team

AirOne and our Team is a proud to sponsor our Rattler’s Baseball team each year

Rattler’s Baseball team

San Marcos Daily Record

AirOne is looking to bring more equality to the HVAC industry. Check out the article written by Celeste Hollister from the San Marcos Daily Record that brings to light the issue of females in the industry. By example Sheila Beck, co-owner of AirOne, is trying to set an example to young girls in our community. By being active with STEAM fair and other educational events Sheila is hoping to inspire more young people in our area to make HVAC a career.